Kasvumarkkinointi auttaa tekemään ammattimaista markkinointia kestävin tuloksin. Se on strategista pitkäjänteistä tekemistä. Aivan samalla tavalla asennoituminen omaan yritykseen, tai omaan sijoitusportfolioon on pitkäaikaista työtä, jonka hedelmät useimmiten tulevat poimittaviksi vasta vuosien kuluttua. Tästä erikoisuutena on kuitenkin kryptovaluuttojen markkinat, jotka mahdollistavat nopeat arvonnousut, mutta myös nopeat arvonlaskut.

Growth marketing focuses on customer relationship building and fostering loyalty; it’s a long-term strategy where authenticity and engagement creates advocacy. In order to break through the noise, it’s become increasingly important to have a marketing strategy that is creative, iterative, and compelling. A strategy that not only helps with customer acquisition, but one that is a breeding ground for viralitty, word of mouth, and organic growth.

What is Growth Marketing?

Growth marketing is marketing 2.0. It takes the traditional marketing model and adds layers such as A/B testing, value-additive blog posts, data-driven email marketing campaigns, SEO optimization, creative ad copy, and technical analysis of every aspect of a user’s experience. The insights gained from these strategies are quickly implemented in order to achieve robust and sustainable growth.